Mississippi offers various grant opportunities for first-time homebuyers who meet low-to-moderate-income guidelines. Additional programs cater specifically to educators, providing tailored support for homeownership. Learn more about special bond programs in Mississippi.
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Mississippi Home Corporation
NOLA Lending offers a variety of programs with competitive interest rates and down payment/closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers1 or low-to-moderate income homebuyers2 for properties located in Mississippi.
Housing Assistance for Teachers (HAT)
The Housing Assistance for Teachers Program (HAT) was designed to assist with funding to help teachers buy homes. Forgivable grant assistance if requirements are satisfied. Applicants who agree to render service as a teacher in the district for three years starting with the beginning of the school year.
The Smart6 program offers assistance in the amount of $6,000 for down payment or closing costs. Repayment will be required at sale, refinance, non-owner occupied, or 1st mortgage paid in full.
The Easy8 program offers assistance in the amount of $8,000 for down payment or closing costs. Repayment will be required at sale, refinance, non-owner occupied, or 1st mortgage paid in full.
The Trusty10 program offers assistance in the amount of $10,000 for down payment or closing costs with a monthly payment option. Repayment will be required at sale, refinance, non-owner occupied, or 1st mortgage paid in full.
1Individual program requirements vary. First Time Homebuyer generally means that the borrower has not had an ownership interest (sole or joint) in a residential property during the 3 year period prior to application. 2Income varies per county, family and target area. Homeowner education may be required via an approved HUD counselor/vendor to qualify for specific programs, additional fees may apply.
Information stated above is subject to change without notice. All applications are subject to underwriting guidelines and approval. This does not constitute an offer to lend or offer an extension of credit. All loans are subject to credit approval. Not all applicants will qualify for all products offered. All loan programs, terms, and interest rates are subject to change without notice and may only be available in select markets. The services and products advertised are not approved or endorsed by HUD, USDA, the Department of Veterans Affairs, or any government agency. All programs that involve any funding by any city, parish, county, or state-related program are subjected to those entities’ limitations on funding, and such offer may expire and such funding may run out at any time without advance notice; the act of applying for a loan does not guarantee you will receive funding; the availability of such funding cannot be confirmed until the loan closes.